Friday, January 24, 2020
Truman Capotes In Cold Blood: Comparison of Book and Movie Essay
     "In Cold Blood" is a tragic story of two men, Eugene Hickock and Perry Edward, who murder an entire family in search of money and then find themselves running from the law. While writing the book, Truman Capote used only facts to create a novel out of an actual event. He had thousands of notes on the subject, but his problem was making his book read like a novel. He accomplished this by adding dialogue and describing characters feelings. This technique is used in the film as well when flashbacks of characters childhoods are shown.      The different plots are handled very well in the movie. The main plot obviously is the murders and the run from the law. Other subplots that are shown are Smith's internal fight with his past in which his father deserted him, and at one point, had a gun pointed to his head. Also there appears to be tension between Smith and Hickock. They think differently at times, especially when it comes to the discussion of the crime. You can't help but feel sympathetic towards Smith, as it appears that he is forced into this by Hickock. All characters in the movie were played well by the actors in my opinion. They all seemed real and seemed to fit in with the setting and the time period.      I think that Hickock and Smith are not victims of forces beyond their control, they are victims of, at least in Smith's case, a bad upbringing. The two murderers have no direction in their lives. The only skills that Hickock seems to know is... Truman Capote's In Cold Blood: Comparison of Book and Movie Essay      "In Cold Blood" is a tragic story of two men, Eugene Hickock and Perry Edward, who murder an entire family in search of money and then find themselves running from the law. While writing the book, Truman Capote used only facts to create a novel out of an actual event. He had thousands of notes on the subject, but his problem was making his book read like a novel. He accomplished this by adding dialogue and describing characters feelings. This technique is used in the film as well when flashbacks of characters childhoods are shown.      The different plots are handled very well in the movie. The main plot obviously is the murders and the run from the law. Other subplots that are shown are Smith's internal fight with his past in which his father deserted him, and at one point, had a gun pointed to his head. Also there appears to be tension between Smith and Hickock. They think differently at times, especially when it comes to the discussion of the crime. You can't help but feel sympathetic towards Smith, as it appears that he is forced into this by Hickock. All characters in the movie were played well by the actors in my opinion. They all seemed real and seemed to fit in with the setting and the time period.      I think that Hickock and Smith are not victims of forces beyond their control, they are victims of, at least in Smith's case, a bad upbringing. The two murderers have no direction in their lives. The only skills that Hickock seems to know is...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Common Size Financial Statement Analysis Essay
When all the items of a financial statement are expressed on a common basis, it is known as a common-size financial statement. Common-sizing of balance sheet is done generally by expressing its all items as a percentage of its total assets or total equities. Similarly, income statement is common-sized when its all items are expressed as percentage of total sales. PROCEDURE OF COMMON SIZING In preparing common-size income statement, the following procedure is to be followed : †¢Total sales revenue or total revenue is taken as hundred. †¢Each item of cost or expenses is represented as a percentage of total revenue. †¢Profit or loss also shown as a percentage of revenue. Similarly, balance sheet is common-sized as follows : †¢Total of assets side or total of liability side is taken as hundred. †¢Each item of asset is expressed as percentage of total asset total of capital and liabilities. †¢Each item of the liability side is also expressed as a percentage of total assets or total of capital and liabilities. USEFULNESS OF COMMON-SIZE FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS †¢Inter-firm comparison becomes more meaningful when financial statement of the firms under comparison is common-sized. †¢Common-size financial statement analysis is most suitable to evaluate the performance of a company over a period of time. †¢It is useful in understanding the relative importance of different sources of financing. †¢It helps the analyst to formulate hypothesis about the most efficient business model by means of effective inter-firm comparisons. †¢Common-size financial analysis can be used to compare a company’s financial data with industry norms or average. COMMON-SIZE FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS When all the items of a financial statement are expressed on a common basis, it is known as a common-size financial statement. Common-sizing of balance sheet is done generally by expressing its all items as a percentage of its total assets or total equities. Similarly, income statement is common-sized when its all items are expressed as percentage of total sales. PROCEDURE OF COMMON SIZING In preparing common-size income statement, the following procedure is to be followed : †¢Total sales revenue or total revenue is taken as hundred. †¢Each item of cost or expenses is represented as a percentage of total revenue. †¢Profit or loss also shown as a percentage of revenue. Similarly, balance sheet is common-sized as follows : †¢Total of assets side or total of liability side is taken as hundred. †¢Each item of asset is expressed as percentage of total asset total of capital and liabilities. †¢Each item of the liability side is also expressed as a percentage of total assets or total of capital and liabilities. USEFULNESS OF COMMON-SIZE FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS †¢Inter-firm comparison becomes more meaningful when financial statement of the firms under comparison is common-sized. †¢Common-size financial statement analysis is most suitable to evaluate the performance of a company over a period of time. †¢It is useful in understanding the relative importance of different sources of financing. †¢It helps the analyst to formulate hypothesis about the most efficient business model by means of effective inter-firm comparisons. †¢Common-size financial analysis can be used to compare a company’s financial data with industry norms or average.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
A Black On Black Crimes Of The Tutsi And Tutsi Society
You know the severity of a problem with the black on black crimes of the Hutu and Tutsi society, when the opposite race has the authority to condemn the destruction of a civilization of similar African Americans. Take for instance in the movie Hotel Rwanda, the white character Pat Archer who is a health care worker. She is portrayed as a caring white woman who believes in equality and not division among people. In the film there is a scene where Paul asks her to go check on some refugee. She goes and returns and is completely shocked by what she has witness. The Hutu hunter decides to make her watch them kill the Tutsi people. In one scene especially a little girl is about to be murdered. Before she is killed, the little girl said â€Å"please do not let them kill me. I†¦ I promise I won’t be Tutsi anymore.†This is a little innocent girl we are talking about who’s last breathing words are of her begging for Pat to save her life. What really upsets me is th at the little girl dies feeling as if she was the problem. How could she be the problem when she does not even know how to do anything? What upsets me the most is that the Hutu hunter installed in Tutsi people’s brains that they were a virus that was destroying the immune system, what’s even worse is that the Tutsi people believed it? In my opinion, I believe this is no different from the tragic incident of the Holocaust where Hitler killed over millions of Jews. The only difference from the Holocaust is that the Hutu huntersShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Hotel Rwanda directed by George Terry1178 Words  | 5 Pagesand the concern of the world about the incident. The history and relationship between Hutu and Tutsi As we look back to the 14th century of Rwanda, the indigenous people of that region composed of Hutu and another ethnic group which is Twa. The Tutsi was actually the immigrants which came to Rwanda from the southern Ethiopian highlands. It is obviously observed that the physical of the Tutsi were taller and thinner compared to the Hutu and Twa. Even though their population were not asRead MoreGenocide: A Historical Perspective Essay1462 Words  | 6 Pagesof rebel groups, such as the Sudan Liberation Movement and the Justice and Equality Movement. The Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) and Justice and Equality Movement (Jem) began attacking government targets in early 2003, accusing Khartoum of oppressing black Africans in favor of Arabs. The Janjaweed patrol the camps and men are killed and women are raped if they wander off in search of firewood or other needed supplies (â€Å"QA†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) Many activists refer to the crisis in Darfur as genocide, including the SaveRead MoreMotives Behind Genocide : Genocide Negatively Affects Perpetrators By Perpetuating Distorted Thinking About The Self And Others1628 Words  | 7 Pagesprogram of euthanasia as a method to kill the imperfect population. The article of The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics†states, â€Å"Elements of the philosophy were enshrined as national policy by forced sterilization and segregation laws†(Black paragraph 2). These elements reflect exactly how Hitler demonstrated his eugenic mindset when he created a national policy to kill the Jews, the disabled, mentally handicapped and all those who did not possess the desired heritable characteristicsRead MoreIdentity of African American Men2442 Words  | 10 Pagesnegatively or positively? â€Å"No metaphor can capture completely the complexity of ethnic dynamics in the U.S. ‘Melting pot’ ignores the persistence and reconfiguration of the ethnicity over the generations. ‘Mosaic,’ much more apt for pluralistic societies such as Kenya or India, is too static a metaphor; it fails to take in to account the easy penetration of many ethnic boundaries. Nor is ‘salad bowl’ appropriate; the ingredients of a salad bowl are mixed but do not change. ‘Rainbow’ is a tantalizingRead MoreWays to Prevent Genocide2798 Words  | 11 PagesGENOCIDE PREVENTION Genocide Prevention The term genocide was developed during the Holocaust and announced an international crime during the 1948 United Nations Convention that focused on Prevention and Punishment of genocide as a crime. Genocide is, therefore, defined as deeds committed with the aim of destroying, in whole or partially, anethnical, national, religious or racial group.Such acts include, killing followers of the group, causing serious physical or mental harm to followers of theRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Africa And The Abduction Of The 200 Chibok3867 Words  | 16 Pagesthree ethnic groups; Hutu (approximately 85% of the population), Tutsi (14%) and Twa (1%). Originally, Tutsi and Hutu was distinguished by who owned the most cattle and was very easy for people to swap categories through gaining cattle or by marriage. For a while, the Tutsi people were in charge as they owned the most. This was until Europeans colonised the country in 1894 where ‘Tutsi’ and ‘Hutu’ took on a racial r ole. â€Å"Hutu and Tutsi were categorised by German and Belgian colonisers according toRead More Rwanda: Genocide and Refugee Crisis Essay example3469 Words  | 14 Pagescould do nothing about until it was too late. Almost 50 years after the world pledged to never let anything like the holocaust occur again, the world had to watch as a genocide unfolded in Rwanda. Between April of 1994 and July of 1994 some 800,000 Tutsi and moderate Hutus were systematically killed as Rwanda fell into political despair and turmoil, leaving millions more as refugees struggling to put their lives back together in the aftermath of such horrific violence. The large number of peopleRead MoreEssay about hate crimes3282 Words  | 14 PagesGUIDE Hate Crimes Spring 2013 This study guide is offered as a starting point for your studies. It is not exhaustive. All topics covered in class lectures, readings and films may appear on the exam. The Hows and Whys of Hate Crime Laws What is a hate crime? A crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice How many hate crimes were recorded by the FBI in its most recent hate crime report? 6,222 According to the Petrosinos article and our text, were there hate crimes before hateRead MoreThe Death Toll Of The Genocide852 Words  | 4 PagesThe crime of committing, destroying, or trying to destroy the existence of a group of people because of their racial (whose identity is defined by physical), national (whose identity is defined by a common country of nationality or national origin), ethnic (whose identity is defined by physical characteristics), or religious group (whose identity is defined by common religious creeds, beliefs, practices, or rituals), is known as genocide, and this term did not exist before 1944. Usually the deathRead MoreThe Genocide Of The Holocaust1823 Words  | 8 Pages Genocide Genocide a word that brings forth the morbid image of barbed wire fences, trenches overflowing with bodies, malnourished men, women, and children, a depressing black sky. Genocides definition is â€Å"the deliberate killing of people who belong to a particular racial, political, or cultural group†( True to its name genocide is a word that has the ability to cause war and leaves a hellish vision in its victims. Despite all of this the seemingly
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