Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Jaws Deep Blue Sea Film Review Essay Example For Students
Jaws Deep Blue Sea Film Review Essay Stephen Spielbergs film Jaws is an exemplary summer blockbuster, with all the loathsomeness, rushes, anticipation and enhancements you would anticipate from such a film. Initially created in 1975, Jaws is an American spine chiller (in view of Peter Benchleys epic of a similar name). It doesn't contain all the run of the mill thriller feelings like brutality or abhorrence; yet who needs bloodlust when its the inconspicuous coaxing out of that frigid inclination which will send shudders up the spine of even the most solidified watcher. Spielberg absolutely sets the bar for filmmaking as even till this day Jaws is known as one of the uncommon movies which catches your eye, yet will panic you to your absolute limit, as. Then again, the movie Deep Blue Sea coordinated by Renny Harlin is actually what you dont need! The film was delivered 24 years after the fact than Jaws and utilized savagery, grisliness and PC impacts including CGI however was somewhat unconvincing Darkness fills the screen, abnormal outsider like commotions start, the pressure fixes marginally in any case, at that point were acquainted with two youthful sweethearts going for a sentimental 12 PM swim. Phew, its alright we can relaxor so we thought. Similarly as we cuddle up in our seats, the strain strings fix again and before you realize the little youngster is the casualty to a strong Great White shark. This scene truly shows how feeble and powerless we are to a man-eating predator. Despite the fact that we dont see the shark till part of the way through the film, we absolutely feel its essence. The film team utilized a mechanical shark (oddly named Bruce) for the couple of scenes where the shark is available, however it is truly Spielbergs smart utilization of the camera, to speak to the eyes of the shark, which truly gives us a feeling of its reality. The film is determined to Amity Island in the late spring and with the fourth of July, American Independence day, coming up, the town centers around the business side of things and prepares for their busiest season, when all the cash roll in from sightseers, However, when a young ladies twisted body is washed aground the following morning, Police Chief Martin Brody (Roy Scheider) demands shutting the sea shore, yet Amity Mayor Larry Vaughn (Murray Hamilton) will not theorize, expecting that open information on a shark assault would kill the nearby economy and no cash would roll in from the Forth of July. Be that as it may, when another shark assault happens, this time with no attempt at being subtle, the episode draws shark master Matt Hooper (Richard Dreyfuss) to the region. Then, a shark tracker named Quint (Robert Shaw) offers to discover and murder the shark for $10,000, yet Mayor Vaughn accepts that cost is excessively high, yet when the specialists at last choose to pursue the extraordinary white, the genuine peril is just barely starting With splendid course and cutting edge embellishments (in any event for the time that the film was made), Jaws is a genuine spine chiller keeping you as eager and anxious as can be fashioned with tension. The best thing about the film is that the crowd don't see the shark until partially through the film; we just ever observe through the sharks eyes. In any event, when the incomparable White assaults visible to everyone, the crowd is just conscious of an uncovered balance and the blood of the casualty as it spreads over the water. Clearly, Bruce the mechanical shark was fermata/rest; he wasnt working very as Spielberg had trusted however as opposed to postponing the film, Spielberg continued and discovered new innovative approaches to show the shark this was what truly set the standard as nobody else had ever accomplished something very like it previously. It was something new and leaving in the realm of cinematography. .uee9c97e46fa15ac405163ad83b3c499e , .uee9c97e46fa15ac405163ad83b3c499e .postImageUrl , .uee9c97e46fa15ac405163ad83b3c499e .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .uee9c97e46fa15ac405163ad83b3c499e , .uee9c97e46fa15ac405163ad83b3c499e:hover , .uee9c97e46fa15ac405163ad83b3c499e:visited , .uee9c97e46fa15ac405163ad83b3c499e:active { border:0!important; } .uee9c97e46fa15ac405163ad83b3c499e .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uee9c97e46fa15ac405163ad83b3c499e { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uee9c97e46fa15ac405163ad83b3c499e:active , .uee9c97e46fa15ac405163ad83b3c499e:hover { murkiness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uee9c97e46fa15ac405163ad83b3c499e .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relati ve; } .uee9c97e46fa15ac405163ad83b3c499e .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content adornment: underline; } .uee9c97e46fa15ac405163ad83b3c499e .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uee9c97e46fa15ac405163ad83b3c499e .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content embellishment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .uee9c97e46fa15ac405163ad83b3c499e:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uee9c97e46 fa15ac405163ad83b3c499e .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uee9c97e46fa15ac405163ad83b3c499e-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uee9c97e46fa15ac405163ad83b3c499e:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Causes Of The French Revolution EssayOverall, the film Jaws is extraordinary containing all that you would need and need in such a film. Is anyone surprised its a blockbuster hit? The elevated level of anticipation is the thing that I like the most about Jaws; the way that you dont see the shark till part of the way through the film. Subsequent to watching Jaws you may never need to swim at the sea shore againand as I would like to think, any film that can do that must be acceptable!
Saturday, July 11, 2020
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Custom Research Papers - A Must Have Tool For Your Marketing NeedsCustom research papers are essentially the perfect combination of both creativity and use of standardized formats. They are a unique way of expressing your ideas and thoughts through computer or technology, as long as you know how to write the right words in the right format. This can be done through article writing.If you know how to write it, then the custom research papers are a very good tool to use in the industry. You can find the right template of research papers for your needs and desires online. You can choose from many other research papers by coming across the right website and getting the suitable customized research paper.There are many factors that are considered when you decide to use custom research papers. First, you have to figure out the style that you prefer to use for your content. Are you going to write research papers like a journalist or are you going to write more on personal experiences? This will also depend on the desired outcome that you want.The second thing that you have to take into consideration is whether you will use your own personal style or the professional style. For example, if you want to put more importance on the detail and the scientific nature of your research papers, then it is suggested that you should choose professional research papers instead of your own style. There are still a lot of choices available in the market, which are appropriate for you.With the advent of online sources, the number of custom research papers has become very large and it has definitely given a whole new dimension to the industry. As a result, not only the research companies are starting to earn money through custom research papers, but also all other industries are now producing research papers and use them for their marketing purposes. You can actually see the number of articles being published every day as a result of the custom research papers that are produced.For thi s reason, it is now very much possible to have custom research papers prepared for your specific requirements. All you need to do is visit the different websites that offer custom research papers for sale.The entire research papers are totally customized according to your requirements and wants. Most of the companies have their own templates and they have the ability to customize it according to your preferences. Many of them also allow you to build your own custom research papers.Using the research papers for sale, you are now able to control the research paper yourself. So, that is why, custom research papers are not only a nice tool to improve your performance in the market, but also a pleasant project that you can do at your own leisure.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Oswald Mosley Was A Man And The Emotional Aftermath Of The...
Oswald Mosley was a man â€Å"intellectually and temperamentally a product of his aristocratic upbringing and the emotional aftermath of the First World War†(Beadle 328). During this time period, he influenced his surroundings with distinct political views and actions throughout Britain. Oswald Mosley influenced his time being a Member of Parliament however discounted many opportunities for action blinded by the search of personal power. This blindness led to a fascist approach towards government with views of leadership, resembling control and courage, and actions facing the problems of the new modern world. The upbringing of Oswald Mosley, born 16 November 1896, started with his aristocratic family. The family had attempts to campaign against nineteenth century laissez-faire capitalism however, never achieved mass support from their peers. His parents separated and Mosley developed under his mother and grandmother. He excelled in many fields leading some to envy in his success. Oswald Mosley married Lady Cynthia Curzon, also known as Cimmie, on 11 May 1920. The wedding was one of the largest social events of the year. Cimmie encouraged Mosley’s determination, however the toll of leaving her out on his own endeavors was an immense burden. These burdens including affairs, a mistress, Diana Guinness, who he had become fond of, all while reaching no conclusion to leave Cimmie. At this point he was well traveled, acquiring diverse perceptions to leadership and the correlation to
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Ethical And Legal Issues Of Healthcare - 1680 Words
Figuring out how to allocate limited quantities of medications and donor organs is among the largest ethical and legal issues in healthcare. There is a concern as to whether or not there will be enough medications to go around in the future and how will these limited quantities be distributed. When shortages happen it is usually because economic incentive for a manufacturer is down. Money is king and if there is no profit to be made in manufacturing these medications then manufactures will not waste production time on them. Drug shortages will be a prevailing issue unless we can figure out how to give drug companies economic incentive to create and distribute these drugs. Until then the supply and demand of these drugs are vulnerable to problems that are inherent to the laws of economics. Allocating the dispersion of donor organs can be difficult ethically and legally for healthcare workers. On one side they want to do right by their patient but they are bound by strict laws and medical guidelines. To speak economically there is simply and excess of demand over supply so many that need those organs will often go without or wait an excessive amount of time. Recently with the Affordable Care Act, research and campaigns to encourage organ donors these problems are being met head on. The Food and Drug Administration is also taking action to prevent future drug shortages and their causes. Major ethical dilemmas and cases will be highlighted in order to demonstrateShow MoreRelatedEthical and Legal Issues in Healthcare Essay1036 Words  | 5 PagesEthical and Legal Issues in Healthcare AIU Online – HLTH320 Individual Project Unit 1 SCENERIO I am a paramedic arriving at an emergency scene. A group of scouts have entered a cave that is now filling with water. They were led into the cave by a rather large scoutmaster. 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Belmont State Bank Essay Sample free essay sample
Belmont State Bank is a big bank with 100s of subdivisions that are connected to a cardinal computing machine system. Some subdivisions are connected over dedicated circuits and others use the dial-up telephone web. Each subdivision has a assortment of client computing machines and ATMs connected to a waiter. The waiter shops the branch’s day-to-day dealing informations and transmits it several times during the twenty-four hours to the cardinal computing machine system. Edward tellers at each subdivision use a four-digit numeral watchword. and each teller’s computing machine is transaction-coded to accept merely its authorised minutess. Perform a hazard appraisal. First. I will get down with constructing a control spreadsheet for the bank ; which looks much similar Figure 11. 2: ( Fitzgerald. 374 ) .Then I would place the assets. In this instance. the assets I worry about most are hardware. web package. client package. informations and mission critical applications. The hardware that I am concentrated on is the mail waiters. We will write a custom essay sample on Belmont State Bank Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page web waiters. and client computing machines and ATMs connected to them. Equally far as web package. I look at the application package ( mail waiter and net waiter ) along with waiter runing systems and system scenes. With client package. it’s the overall operating systems and system scenes. Organizational information and storage is the focal point ; the databases with records. The mission critical applications are the company web site and fiscal database with spreadsheets/personal history/ applications and assessments ; along with dealing history. At the top of the list ; is the mission critical applications necessary to carry on business/ for concern endurance. Following. is the organisational information. client package. hardware. and web package. Equally far as menaces. the biggest menaces in order of dollar loss and likeliness of happening are invasion ( internal. external and eavesdropping/hacking ) . sabotage. fraud. larceny of information. denial of service. virus. larceny of equipment and eventually natural catastrophes. When it comes to placing and documenting the controls. I would hold preventive controls ( security guard in the subdivision edifices ) . and package to code the Teller watchwords. I would besides hold application bed firewall ( to protect information shared with the cardinal computing machine ) . virus/malware plans in topographic point. a catastrophe recovery program and extended preparation sing both watchwords and viruses among others. The controls and their functions would be placed in a numerical list and the controls figure placed in the cell. The original spreadsheet would look similar to Calculate 11. 5 afterward: ( Fitzgerald. 379 ) . The last measure would be to measure how equal the controls are that are in topographic point now. and the grade of hazard associated with each menace. The Delphi squad will observe. prevent and rectify the menaces harmonizing to precedence. Bing that a dedicated circuit/dial up telephone web is used to link subdivisions and waiters transmit information daily to the cardinal computing machine. security is an issue. The invasion controls work decently. but can be upgraded and should be checked quarterly. The catastrophe and devastation menace could utilize farther concern continuity controls. as there is a high grade of hazard here.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
No Laughing Matter a Comprehensive Overview of Nitrous Oxide Abuse Essay Example
No Laughing Matter: a Comprehensive Overview of Nitrous Oxide Abuse Paper No Laughing Matter: A Comprehensive Overview of Nitrous Oxide Abuse Ryan Ardelle Anatomy Physiology, Period 3 Mr. Syvret Due: March 14, 2013 SUBSTANCE OVERVIEW The issue of inhalant abuse is a multifaceted problem, stretching across many communities and locales in the entirety of the United States. Inhalants as a class of drug vary widely, ranging from volatile solvents and aerosol propellants, to more broadly, any drug delivered by inhalation. Nitrous oxide straddles these categories, as it finds use not only a common dental analgesic, but also as a propellant, in such uses as whipping cream, automotive racing, and rocketry. As a result, nitrous oxide is found in many forms: medical-grade, food-grade, and industrial-grade, with various purities (Erowid). Commonly known as â€Å"laughing gas,†nitrous oxide wears many hats and goes by many names. For example, those who use nitrous oxide in automotive racing or rocketry applications know it as NOS (Alai). In this usage, nitrous oxide is applied as a powerful oxidizer, allowing a vehicle’s engine to combust gasoline more rapidly, with an associated increase in horsepower (Winter). This form of nitrous oxide is packaged with many additives to not only improve its performance but also to deter its abuse (Erowid). We will write a custom essay sample on No Laughing Matter: a Comprehensive Overview of Nitrous Oxide Abuse specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on No Laughing Matter: a Comprehensive Overview of Nitrous Oxide Abuse specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on No Laughing Matter: a Comprehensive Overview of Nitrous Oxide Abuse specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer When abused recreationally however, nitrous oxide finds many more colorful nicknames, such as â€Å"hippie crack†and â€Å"nangs†(Erowid). It is a true gas, existing as a gas under atmospheric pressure at room temperature, although it assumes a liquid state when compressed in a gas cylinder (Alai). Nitrous oxide is a strong oxidizing agent with a density of 1. 9kg/m 3, and it has a linear molecular form consisting of two atoms of nitrogen and one atom of oxygen (Winter). Nitrous oxide has no color and has a sweet odor, familiar to anybody who has tasted whipped cream (Erowid). Nitrous oxide is commercially manufactured by heating ammonium nitrate to 240C. Impurities such as ammonia and nitric acid in addition to excess water vapor are removed through an extensive gas scrubbing process. Food-grade nitrous oxide is often stored in white, 8-gram cylinders with a sealed metal puncture cap and packaged in boxes of 100 cylinders. Medical-grade nitrous oxide is stored in French-blue cylinders and is pressurized to ~4400 kPa at room temperature. The Pin Index Safety System configuration for nitrous oxide cylinders is 3-5 (Banks and Hardman). HISTORY OF NITROUS OXIDE ABUSE British chemist and Presbyterian minister Joseph Humphrey first synthesized nitrous oxide gas in England in 1772. Priestly later published his work in a 1776 journal, â€Å"Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air†(Priestly). This publication proved extremely intriguing to the scientific community, leading to additional research and Humphry Davy’s influential 1800 book, â€Å"Researches, Chemical and Philosophical: Chiefly Concerning Nitrous Oxide. †Throughout the remainder of the nineteenth century, nitrous oxide’s usage as a recreational drug became increasingly popular. Traveling medical shows and carnivals featured affectionately named â€Å"Nitrous Oxide Capers,†in which attendees paid a small fee to inhale a minute’s worth of gas (Brecher). In 1844, Dr. Horace Wells, a British dentist, first demonstrated the use of nitrous oxide as a dental anesthetic. His initial testing on a patient at Harvard Medical School was unsuccessful, resulting in the public dismissal of nitrous oxide as a legitimate anesthetic. Nevertheless, nitrous oxide had a sudden resurgence in the dental community in the early 1860s, thanks to a series of dental institutions opened by lecturer and showman Gardener Quincy Colton. These practices utilized nitrous oxide as their primary form of dental anesthesia, henceforth standardizing its usage in the United States (Erowid). METHODS OF ADMINISTRATION Nitrous oxide is administered via inhalation of compressed gas. Users most frequently obtain nitrous oxide from small, 8-gram canisters used to charge whipped cream dispensers. These canisters are readily available for purchase in most restaurant supply stores, on the Internet, and in head shops across the nation (Narconon). Once obtained, the contents of the canisters are released into empty whipped cream dispensers or into a balloon. A pressure release valve, or â€Å"cracker†, must be used in order to safely siphon the gas into a balloon (Erowid). These valves are also available for purchase online or in head shops (Narconon). Users with access to larger cylinders of nitrous oxide sometimes inhale the gas through a nasal hood or anesthesia mask, as used in dental surgery. However, this method is extremely dangerous without proper medical supervision, as users can inhale larger amounts of gas without access to fresh oxygen. As a result, the vast majority of nitrous oxide users prefer to use the aforementioned whipped cream dispenser or balloon methods of inhalation (Wagner, Clark, Wesche, Doedens, and Lloyd). Whipped cream canisters and standard latex party balloons have a maximum capacity of approximately three 8-gram cylinders. Depending on personal preference, users can fill their vessel of choice with one, two, or three cylinders at a time (Creamright). Once the whipped cream dispenser or balloon is filled to the user’s liking, the gas inside is rapidly inhaled into the user’s lungs. The gas is often held in the lungs for twenty to sixty seconds to induce hypoxia and enhance the euphoric effects. The gas is then exhaled normally, and the user resumes regular respiration of room air (Erowid). IMMEDIATE EFFECTS Once inhaled, nitrous oxide is immediately absorbed through the lungs, dissolving directly into blood plasma. Within ten to fifteen seconds, nitrous oxide molecules replace oxygen molecules in the user’s lungs, thereby stimulating a euphoric sensation. Users then experience a brief â€Å"high†usually lasting between thirty seconds and two minutes with a standard dose (Erowid). Symptoms of nitrous oxide abuse include slurred speech, impaired coordination and balance, difficulty thinking clearly and processing information, unresponsiveness to verbal and painful stimuli, and occasionally loss of consciousness. Assuming the user returns to regularly breathing room air after the initial gas inhalation, these symptoms should subside within two minutes. The onset and peak effect timing of nitrous oxide is determined by the quantity consumed (Narconon). Nitrous oxide inhalation impacts the function of numerous physiologic systems. First, nitrous oxide decreases tidal volume and increases respiratory rate following activation of the central nervous system. Myocardial depression and an increase in central sympathetic outflow also occur following nitrous oxide inhalation. Inhaled nitrous oxide may produce the second gas effect, as nitrous oxide has a more rapid rate of diffusion across alveolar basement membranes than nitrogen gas. This rapid exit of nitrous oxide from the alveoli initiates a concentration of other alveolar gases, thereby accelerating the uptake of nitrous oxide into the bloodstream (Banks and Hardman). The primary method of nitrous oxide elimination is via the exhalation from the lungs. Nitrous oxide exits the body entirely unchanged in chemical formula and structure. Small amounts of nitrous oxide diffuse through the skin and the renal system, and anaerobic bacteria in the GI tract reduce any outstanding nitrous oxide into nitrogen gas (Erowid). ACTION ON THE BRAIN Nitrous oxide causes vasodilatation, resulting in an increase in cerebral blood flow and causing a corresponding increase in intracranial pressure (Erowid). Unlike most inhalants, nitrous oxide does not augment the effects of non-depolarizing neuromuscular blockers. Accordingly, nitrous oxide does not produce the same neuromuscular depression experienced with other inhalant abuse. Nitrous oxide activates opioid receptors in the periaqueductal grey of the midbrain, stimulating a release of norepinephrine and activation of 2-adrenoceptors in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord (Banks and Hardman). LONG TERM EFFECTS Risks involved in nitrous oxide inhalation revolve primarily around displacing oxygen. Although nitrous oxide does not bind with hemoglobin and instead dissolves into the blood, continued inhalation of pure nitrous oxide without supplemental oxygen can lead to hypoxia. Nitrous oxide-induced hypoxia is especially dangerous because users may not realize that they asphyxiating themselves – the impulse to breathe is triggered by a build-up of carbon dioxide, rather than a lack of oxygen (Banks and Hardman). Aside from hypoxia, there are relatively few physiologic dangers associated with nitrous oxide abuse. The most significant of these effects is Vitamin B depletion and deficiency. This can potentially lead to acute or chronic paresthesia, the sensation of â€Å"pins and needles,†and can inhibit the activity of methionine synthetase, thereby interfering with DNA synthesis in leukocytes and erythrocytes. However, Vitamin B and Folate supplements can prevent these side effects (Banks and Hardman). Nitrous oxide can also induce potentially dangerous airspace expansion in the body, such as pneumothorax or bowel obstruction, due to its rapid diffusion properties. Other potential side effects include respiratory depression, apnea, hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias, dizziness, neuropathy, nausea, vomiting, ileus, bone marrow depression, and malignant hyperthermia. Pregnant women should not use nitrous oxide, as the gas diffuses into the placenta and can cause fetal depression (Erowid). A few cases of frostbite on the vocal cords have been recorded following direct inhalation of nitrous oxide from a canister (Banks and Hardman). Also, nitrous oxide users are at risk of traumatic fall injuries such as broken extremities and concussions due to impaired balance and possible loss of consciousness (Narconon). STATISTICS Nitrous oxide abuse is most common among younger adolescents aged 16-17, although abuse does occur among older individuals. A 2011 study from the University of Michigan showed that 13% of 8th grade students reported abusing inhalants at least once (National Institute on Drug Abuse). A similar study from the University of Virginia revealed that nitrous oxide was one of the top five substances abused by adolescent inhalant users (Narconon). According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the rates of inhalant abuse â€Å"increased steadily from 3. 4 percent at age 12 to 5. 3 percent at age 14, then declined to 3. 9 percent by age 17 from 2002-2006. †Data from this study also showed that â€Å"adolescents age 12 to 17 represented 48 percent of all substance abuse treatment admissions reporting inhalants. Among these adolescent admissions reporting inhalant abuse, 45% had a concurrent psychiatric disorder (SAMHSA). Erowid. com, a popular website that provides information on psychoactive drug use, conducted a series of online surveys in September 2009 in a study examining the possible presence of contaminants in nitrous oxide chargers. One of the surveys asked regular nitrous oxide users their preferred method of inhalation; 46% p referred using a cracker with a balloon, 34. 4% preferred inhaling directly from a whipped cream dispenser, 11. % percent preferred a whipped cream dispenser with a balloon, 1. 7 % preferred a cracker with a bag, 0. 7% preferred a whipped cream dispenser with a bag, and 5. 0% preferred other methods (Erowid). Nitrous oxide is not physiologically addictive, although certain individuals can use it compulsively. While psychological addiction is possible, the only symptom of withdrawal is the desire to inhale more nitrous oxide (Dartmouth College). Furthermore, statistics on inhalant-related deaths are difficulty to determine, as most deaths are severely under-reported. Most of the time, death is attributed to cardiac or respiratory failure subsequent to inhalant abuse. Studies from the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse between 1990 and 1993 revealed an average of 15 inhalant abuse-related deaths per year in the state of Texas. Of those deaths, 94% of victims were male, and 91% were Caucasian, on average (National Inhalant Prevention Coalition). Most recreational nitrous oxide-related deaths are caused by hypoxia when users affix masks without oxygen or place bags over their heads to concentrate the gas (Erowid). EFFORTS TO ADDRESS ABUSE The topic of inhalants has been addressed by multiple small grass-roots efforts in local communities, but has also seen national discussion. Although no national legislation is in place restricting the sale, consumption, and distribution of nitrous oxide, several states and municipalities have passed laws in an attempt to curb usage. Most of these laws specifically target underage consumption and sale of nitrous oxide to minors (Center for Cognitive Liberty Ethics). For example, the Article 34 Title 7  § 3380. 5a-5b of the New York State Controlled Substances Act states: a) No person shall use nitrous oxide for purposes of causing intoxication, inebriation, excitement, stupefaction or the dulling of the brain or nervous system of himself or another. (b) No person shall sell any canister or other container of nitrous oxide unless granted an exemption pursuant to this subdivision. In no event shall any canister or other container of nitrous oxide be sold to a person under the age of twenty-one years. â€Å"Any person who violates any provision of subdivision four or five of this section shall be guilty of class A misdemeanor†(New York State Legislature). A number of non-governmental organizations such as the National Inhalant Prevention Coalition work to educate the public on the facts and dangers of inhalant abuse. These organizations frequently lobby on the state and federal level in attempt to pass more restrictive anti-inhalant abuse legislature. These preventative efforts have helped to several states integrate inhalant abuse education into primary and secondary school health education curricula (National Inhalant Prevention Coalition). Works Cited Alai, Nili N. Nitrous Oxide Administration. Ed. Rick Kulkarni. Medscape Reference, 30 Jan. 2012. Web. 4 Mar. 2013. http://emedicine. medscape. com/article/1413427-overview. Banks, Amelia, and Jonathan G. Hardman. Nitrous Oxide. British Journal of Anaesthesia: Continuing Education in Anaethesia, Critical Care, and Pain (2005): 1-4. Web. 4 Mar. 2013. http://ceaccp. oxfordjournals. org/content/early/2005/08/22/bjaceaccp. mki039. full. pdf. Brecher, Edward M. The Consumers Union Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs. Consumer Reports Magazine 1972. Web. 4 Mar. 2013. http://www. druglibrary. org/schaffer/Library/studies/cu/CU43. tml. Drug Facts: Inhalants. Inhalants. National Institute on Drug Abuse, Sept. 2012. Web. 4 Mar. 2013. http://www. drugabuse. gov/publications/drugfacts/inhalants. Erowid Nitrous Oxide Vault. Erowid, 21 Feb. 2013. Web. 4 Mar. 2013. http://www. erowid. org/chemicals/nitrous/nitrous. shtml. Frequently Asked Questions. Nitrous Oxide Whipped Cream Chargers. Creamright, 2013. Web. 4 Mar. 2013. http://www. creamright. com/faq. html . Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas). Health Promotion. Dartmouth College, 21 Jan. 2009. Web. 4 Mar. 2013. lt;http://www. dartmouth. edu/~healthed/groups/dapa/otherdrugs/no. html. Nitrous Oxide. Nitrous Oxide. Narconon, 2013. Web. 4 Mar. 2013. http://www. theroadout. org/drug_information/inhalants_(huffing)/nitrous_oxide. html. Priestly, Joseph. Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air. Vol. 2. London: n. p. , 1776. 6 vols. Web. 4 Mar. 2013. http://www. gutenberg. org/files/29734/29734-h/29734-h. htm. Public Health. Laws of New York. New York State Legislature, n. d. Web. 4 Mar. 2013. http://public. leginfo. state. ny. us/LAWSSEAF. cgi? QUERYTYPE=LAWS+[emailprotected]+LIST=LAW+BROWSER=BROWSER+TOKEN=38530670+TARGET=VIEW. Statistics on Inhalants Show Young Teens at Risk. SAMHSA News. SAMHSA, Mar. 2008. Web. 4 Mar. 2013. http://www. samhsa. gov/samhsa_news/volumexvi_2/article14. htm. US Nitrous Oxide Laws. State Laws Concerning Inhalation of Nitrous Oxide. Center for Cognitive Liberty Ethics, May 2002. Web. 4 Mar. 2013. http://www. cognitiveliberty. org/dll/N20_state_laws. htm. View Point. National Inhalant Prevention Coalition Quarterly Newsletter. National Inhalant Prevention Coalition, 2013. Web. 4 Mar. 2013. http://www. inhalants. org/VPT. htm. Wagner, Scott A. , Michael A. Clark, David L. Wesche, David J. Doedens, and Alan W. Lloyd. Asphyxial Deaths from the Recreational Use of Nitrous Oxide. Journal of Forensic Sciences 37. 4 (1992): 1008-15. Web. 4 Mar. 2013. http://library-resources. cqu. edu. au/JFS/PDF/vol_37/iss_4/JFS374921008. pdf. Winter, Mark. Nitrous Oxide. WebElements Periodic Table of the Elements. WebElements, n. d. Web. 4 Mar. 2013. http://www. webelements. com/compounds/nitrogen/nitrous_oxide. html.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Independent Work No1 essays
Independent Work No1 essays The one website that I am adamant about visiting regularly is the video game publication Next Generation's site, located at It is, what I believe, to be the most comprehensive website devoted to video games, both PC and console, their development, and up to the minute news concerning release dates, company mergers/buyouts, and groundbreaking technology. Next Generation, the magazine and the website, are both affiliates of Imagine Media. Next Generation's website is updated twice daily, six days a week (Monday through Friday) excluding holidays. The first update of the day is at 10:00 a.m. with the second update occurring at 7:00 p.m. pacific. The home page always displays the cover to the most current issue of Next Generation, a few sponsors, a link to the online site, and in today's case, a bit of tech support for their most current giveaway demo CD-ROMs. If an option is not chosen on the page within ten seconds, it will automatically load today's most current news updates. Once connected to the current day's news, there is an option available to allow to review the news of the past week, and a few thumbnailed articles that may be of particular interest to visitors of the site. The most significant news stories are accompanied by a thumbnail, located near the top of the page. Some contain links to downloadable images and movies of games and/or conferences. To the upper left of the page is a rather extensive index. The available options in the index are as follows: Previews will provide the viewer with links to Next Generation's coverage of upcoming works in progress. This area will also allow players to view archived previews. Reviews will allow the viewer access to NGO's (Next Generation Online) latest and archived reviews of released games for any system. Stockwatch provides the viewer with up to date status on game related stock. This does n ...
Saturday, February 29, 2020
A Microeconomic Analysis of Indian Retail Industry
In the course of the report, we try to find out – how the retail sector works, major regulations that affect its functioning and the challenges that await the sector and summarize with our analysis and recommendations. Note: We have used where we’ve analyzed the situation from a micro-economic point of view. INTRODUCTION The retail sector in India can broadly be classified as organized and unorganized where the share of unorganized sector is more than 93% of the total and includes the kirana stores, mom and pop stores and the ilk. The organized or modern retail sector on the other hand captures a mere 7% of the total market share. Modern retail is defined as a form of retailing whereby consumers can buy goods from a similar purchase environment across more than one physical location and operates under three levels: Specialist stores catering to some particular category of product such as footwear, pharma beauty, food and grocery etc. classified under level I. Departmental stores that cater to a few categories of retail put under level II, and malls where we find an agglomeration of many departmental stores, hypermarkets etc – classified under level III retail. The figure 1 below shows the various players at different levels of retail. Retail stores can also be classified under ‘lifestyl e’, ‘value’ and ‘luxury’ formats based upon the consumer income segment they target. Figure : Players operating at different levels Figure: Organized Retail Although, the sector boasts of covering almost all the verticals, a look at the markets under different verticals shows that Organized Retail Penetration is extremely low – 2. 4 percent – for the food and grocery, which in contrast makes up for the biggest part of the total retail market. The apparels, foot wear and home decor are the major contributors under organized retail and have been prospering at a rapid pace. The figures below depict the market share and Organized Retail Penetration in different verticals. Figure: Market Share of Different Verticals in Organized Retail Source: CRISIL Figure: Organized retail penetration (%) in different verticals Source: CRISIL Retail almost accounts for around 15% of India’s GDP and thus plays an important role in determining the Indian economic indicators. Organized retail became the apple of everyone’s eye when Vishal Mega Mart profited from its operations in different parts of India. Soon, other players started with their own retail chains such as V-Mart, Big Bazaar, Subhiksha, Pantaloons et al and the market turned into a very competitive market, probably lowering the economic profits of the retailers, and consequently the situation now is that Vishal, Subhiksha and others stand nowhere compared to the biggies such as Reliance, Big Bazaar and others. The major reasons for this are the marketing mix of these brands and benefits from economies of scale. However, because a number of factors go into determining business profitability, it would not be correct to give all credit to the above mentioned factors. Let’s now look at the major player in organized retail in India. MAJOR PLAYERS The organized retail sector of India has many domestic corporate houses competing with their ventures such as Tata’s Chroma, Reliance Trends, Reliance Fresh, Futures Pantaloons, RPG so on. Other than these, fascinated by the Indian demographics and potential market, international players have entered through joint ventures with national players and are planning to compete for the share through such strategies. Major players along with their brands are shown below. * Landmark (books and music) * Croma(multi-brand electronics) * World of Titan (watches) * Tanishq (jewellery) * Titan Eye+ (eye wear) * Westside (lifestyle retail store) * Star Bazaar (hypermarket chain) * Fashion Yatra(family fashion store) * Central (shopping mall) * Big Bazaar (hypermarket) * Pantaloons (fashion outlet) * Blue Sky (sunglasses) * Brand Factory (multi-brand readymade garments) * KB’s Fair Price (essential products) * Navaras(jewellery) Planet Store (multi-brand sports and lifestyle speciality retail) * aLL(fashion garments) * Ethnicity (Indian ethnic wear) * Home Town (home needs), * eZone(electronics), * Furniture Bazaar (home furniture), * Electronics Bazaar(under Big Bazaar, electronics stores) * Home Bazaar (satellite version of Home Town) * Collection I (lifestyle furniture) * Gen M ; One Mobile (mobile phones) * M-Port (electronics) * Shoe Factory (footwear) * Depot (books and music) * Reliance Fre sh (neighbourhood store) * Reliance Mart (supermarket) * Reliance Super (mini-mart) Reliance Digital (consumer durables and information technology) * Reliance Trends (apparel and accessories) * Reliance Wellness (health, wellness and beauty) * iStore(Apple products) * Reliance Footprint (footwear) * Reliance Jewels (jewellery) * Reliance TimeOut(books, music and entertainment) * Reliance AutoZone (automotive products and services) * Reliance Living (home ware, furniture, modular kitchens and furnishings) * Music World (music and home video store) * Books ; Beyond (book store) * Spencers (multi-format retail store) K RAHEJA Shoppers Stop (clothing, accessories, fragrances, cosmetics, footwear and home furnishing store) * Crossword (book store) * Inorbit Mall (fashion, lifestyle, food and entertainment) and Hyper City (hypermarket) As we can see that all major groups in India have opened up their retail stores catering to different sections of the society providing for different needs of the customers. This has resulted in a sort of monopolistic competition in organized retail market in metro and Tier 1cities owing to the large number of variants being offered to the customers. However, in Tier 2 and 3 cities there are fewer of such modern retail stores and the market situation can be compared to oligopoly, but however because of local players and unorganized retail the effects of oligopoly generally don’t show up. The presence of competitors thus affects not only the player, but the industry and the nation as whole. Let’s discuss in brief the effects of competition. COMPETITION AND RIVALRY Competition is one of the means to achieve economic efficiency. It restrains prices and encourages companies to innovate ; provide better quality of products. In the retail sector competition is driven by many factors, including variety, products, price, quality, service, location, reputation, credit and availability of retail space etc. It can broadly be classified under: 1. Competition because of Internal Factors The large number of groups in multibrand retail such as TATA, Raheja et al and also single brand established foreign players such as Adidas, Nike etc pose a threat to speedy expansion of Indian Retail. . Competition because of External Factors The organized retail industry in India is facing immense competition from the unorganized sector. Traditionally, retailing has been established in India for centuries. It is a low cost structure, mostly owner operated, has negligible real estate and labor costs and little or no taxes to pay. The unorganized retail sector constitutes over 93% of India’s total retail sector and thus, poses a serious hurdle for organized retailers. Because of the largely unorganized nature of Indian retail, inefficiencies have crept in and large number of intermediaries exists, reducing the functional and productive efficiency of the retail industry. The government in power has thus been keen to promote FDI in retail in India. Hundred percent FDI in single brand retail invited global companies for competition in the Indian retail sector. With this the companies are working with a strategy so as to be able to cater to the needs of the consumers and grow volumes by ensuring footfalls, while being able to reduce costs, withstand downturns, and face competition. Here we also see a common practise to prevent other companies from affecting the economic status quo of a country, by imposing barriers and caps on FDI, for example what has been done in multibrand retail. As of now, FDI in multibrand retail cannot exceed the specified cap which has kept global retailers such as Walmart, Carrefour et al from entering the Indian market, although they still do exist in whole sale cash and carry segment. The market structure of the modern retail is that of monopolistic competition in metros ; tier I cities which usually have hundreds of shopping alternatives including multi-brand retail outlets, single brand outlets in the shopping malls and nation-wide chains. Whereas in the tier II ; tier III cities the market structure is oligopoly in nature as they have fewer stores and somewhere only a single super centre or shopping mall. Also if we look at prices of different products in various retail outlets, we find that there is not much difference between the prices, except during periods or seasons of sale. This shows that because of the very competitive nature of modern retail, which now also includes online retail, the players are almost operating at zero economic profit, and thus don’t have much scope to offer different prices for similar products. Moreover almost all use similar technologies and processing techniques to provide the final product and thus the prices cannot be increased significantly, for fear of loss of market share. For example, Pantaloons and Westside have almost the similar brands in offering for the customer, leaving little scope for differentiation or price discrimination. Price discrimination can however happen when we compare lifestyle or luxury and value format stores, value stores charging lesser price for the same product sold at a higher price in lifestyle stores. To gain advantage in such a competitive environment major retailers have started to distinguish themselves by providing products under ‘private labels’. In India, fresh produce purchases are made more often from cart vendors who buy their stock from wholesalers. Retailers have tried to bridge the gap with direct farm procurement eliminating middlemen and introducing ‘ private labels’. They are coming up with new ideas to grab a major share of the market which is prospering (see figure below) because of the following factors: The average income of the middle class population has been increasing at a rate of around 12%, which will result in increased expenditure Increasing proportion of working women in the country Increasing population of employed youth Increasing desire for better standards of living and trends in consumer expenditure Increase in the use of plastic money Emerging markets in Tier II and Tier III cities Figure: Sales (in million Rs. ) plotted against the financial year Source: Company official website These factors may cause a shift in the demand curve, but more number of retailers will be willing to enter and eventually the price would not be impacted much. There would, infact a gradual shift from unorganized to the organized retail. All these and a huge untapped market potential that’s locked in the unorganized retail has motivated modern retailers to invest heavily in marketing and advertising, to grab customer attention and retain them. ADVERTISING Promoting the modern retail brand is very important – especially in metro and Tier I cities. The retailer must strive hard to communicate the USP of the brand and help the end-users know to which brand a particular product belongs influencing the buying behavior of the customer. Not only in India, retail industry all over the world spends large amount of funds on advertising. The figure below shows comparison of expenditure by the retail sector with others on online advertising in the United States Figure 5: US Online Ad Spending The growth of online video ads among the brand marketers and Social networking are primary contributors to the growing market share of the retail sector. Advertising in modern retail is broadly done under the following three categories: Traditional Advertising Traditional advertising means advertising using traditional media such as TV, newspaper, radio, circulars, hoardings etc. For eg. we frequently see advertisements from major retail players such as Big Bazaar, Chroma etc in newspapers. Digital Advertising This form uses advertising using digital media. Video advertising, Mobile advertising etc are some of its examples. Alternative Offers Under this we may have guerilla marketing where the marketer may use graffiti, fliers, deal of the day type offers, groupon etc to promote or advertise the product. Website Communication or on-site communication evaluates how well retailers currently collect the kind of information that helps them localize their own communications with consumers. For this category, we evaluate two criteria: whether the retailer offers localized information about their own stores on their eCommerce site, and whether they solicit customer information – email address and mobile number, prominently on their site. The expansion of the retail sector and the creation of meta-mediaries has provided with increasing job opportunities. JOB CREATION With a CAGR of around 14. 5% in the last five years and the bright prospects of expansion , the the no of jobs in this sector are expected to grow at a fast pace. The existing players will have to face competition from the new players and this would also lead to opening up of new stores and thereby increasing the job opportunities in the country. Shift in consumers preference from traditional stores and shops to departmental stores and hypermarkets is definitely going to put pressure on retailers to provide for adequate staff and services, thereby increasing the number of people employed and thus creating job opportunities. The rural market is home to the 46% of the rich and prosperous people of the country. Besides, these people stay in 17% of the villages of the country. The infrastructure costs in setting up retail outlets in these places are going to be lower compared to the cities. This will encourage the emergence of regional players and would again lead to creation of jobs in many regions. However, some more prospering regions or cities which have shown good growth rates will have an edge over others, even in the same state. Whatever is the case, the supply has to be met with the demand, especially when there is no dearth of labor in India and job creation is highly likely, an event when it comes to the retail sector expansion and penetration. FDI in multi-brand retail is going to be a deciding factor in creation of jobs as well. Once permitted, this will lead to aggressive competition. The entry of new players would balance the supply chain and farmers will be benefitted. If this happens, more people will be attracted towards farming, also contract farming would lead to creation of rural jobs. Moreover, entry of foreign investors is likely to shift the production possibility frontier outwards(see figure below), because they are more likely to invest in storage, supply chain and other capital goods. Retail sector is expected to expand by leaps and bounds in the near future and this would create a lot of jobs. The advancement of technology though can also reduce the manpower required in the long run and the jobs created over a period of time may get killed. The entry of multi brand retailers may also adversely impact the local kirana walas, because they will be able to recover there fixed cost easily and gain from economies of scale. Further, because all food and grocery require very similar capital investment, they also stand to gain from economies of scope. Figure: Expansion of Production Possibility frontier (not by reducing consumption but with introduction of new technology) RECENT TRENDS Growth of Modern Retail India moved from being 10th largest economy in 1990 to 4th largest in 2010 according to Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). The growing economy has driven the growth in per capita income of Indian consumers. Indian retail sector (organized and unorganized) has grown by 14. 5% from 2006-07 to 2011-12 and is valued at $396 billion out of which 5-6% is the share of organized retail. Organized retail has had growth more than double of total retail. With the overall rise the penetration of organized retail sector has increased and is expected to grow its share to 10% by the year 2016. Changing shopping behavior Shopping behavior has changed over time, with growing urbanization there has been rise in affluence and growing attraction towards branded goods. The parameters over which modern retail has been faring better than traditional retail are product assortment and range, quality, everything under single roof model. FDI in retail FDI in Single Brand: In 2006, FDI in single brand retail was permitted to the extent of 51% which has recently been increased to 100% in Jan, 2012. There is also a mandate of sourcing of goods from local SMEs and local dealers. FDI in multi-brand sector: International retailers are allowed 100% ownership in cash ; carry wholesale trade stores. But similar initiative in multi-brand retail stores, i. e. allowing 51% FDI has been met by widespread rejection and has been put on hold. Online Retailing Online retailing is gaining popularity in India with growing penetration of internet. It is expected that online retail will triple in size by 2014-15. It will be dominated by branded, low ticket size, easily transportable, lifestyle products and books. Flipkart and Yebhi. com have already established themselves as major players in this segment in the Indian market. Challenges posed by recent developments Indian government intended to bring 51% FDI in multi-retail sector but due to its widespread opposition, it has not been approved yet. This has put entry of world’s leading retail chain in Indian market. A lot has been said about possible loss of potential job and infrastructure development due to this. Besides that the suggested provision of sourcing from local SMEs is also proving to be a deterrent. INDIA AND THE INTERNATIONAL MARKET The graph below shows India’s status wiz a wiz status of organized retail in other countries. It can be observed that India still has a long way to go if it wants to increase the share of organized retail in the retail market. Figure: Organized retail as a percentage of total retail in different countries Source: CRISIL In the second half of the 20th century, many countries opened up there markets for Organized Retail and some also opened for multi-brand retail. There were some countries who felt a positive impact of the same, China is one such example; while there were others such as Uk which were adversely affected. India should also proceed with implementing FDI in multi-brand retail in phases, looking for any drawbacks, before it opens up fully. REFERENCES CRISIL Research, http://crisil. com/research/list-of-industries. html# Dun and BradStreet, http://www. dnb. co. in/IndianRetailIndustry/overview. asp Indian retail News, http://www. indiaretailnews. com/ Tata group official website, http://www. tata. com/company/profile. aspx? ectid=oH90Rc8X7Dg= Croma retail, http://www. cromaretail. com/ FDI in Retail, http://cci. gov. in/images/media/ResearchReports/FDI%20in%20Indian%20Retail%20Sector%20Analysis%20of%20Competition%20in%20Agri-Food%20Sector. pdf Futures group Official website, http://futuresgroup. com/ BIBLIOGAPHY Economics by Samuelson and Nordhaus â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â €Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Lifestyle formats include departmental stores and specialty stores [ 2 ]. Value formats include supermarkets and hypermarkets [ 3 ]. Retailers can use price differentiation to gain from the consumer surplus [ 4 ]. Private labels or private brands  are the brands that are owned and sold by  retailers at their stores and are typically priced lower (5-15 percent) as compared to the existing brands. [ 5 ]. These factors will result in a shift of demand curve to the right [ 6 ]. Source: CRISIL [ 7 ]. Organised retail penetration expected to cross 10 per cent by 2016-17 [ 8 ]. In such cities, the number of market players is very large forming a monopolistic market, brand positioning thus becomes very important to create great brand recall value. [ 9 ]. Unique Selling Proposition [ 10 ]. Opened up multi brand retail in phases. A Microeconomic Analysis of Indian Retail Industry In the course of the report, we try to find out – how the retail sector works, major regulations that affect its functioning and the challenges that await the sector and summarize with our analysis and recommendations. Note: We have used where we’ve analyzed the situation from a micro-economic point of view. INTRODUCTION The retail sector in India can broadly be classified as organized and unorganized where the share of unorganized sector is more than 93% of the total and includes the kirana stores, mom and pop stores and the ilk. The organized or modern retail sector on the other hand captures a mere 7% of the total market share. Modern retail is defined as a form of retailing whereby consumers can buy goods from a similar purchase environment across more than one physical location and operates under three levels: Specialist stores catering to some particular category of product such as footwear, pharma beauty, food and grocery etc. classified under level I. Departmental stores that cater to a few categories of retail put under level II, and malls where we find an agglomeration of many departmental stores, hypermarkets etc – classified under level III retail. The figure 1 below shows the various players at different levels of retail. Retail stores can also be classified under ‘lifestyl e’, ‘value’ and ‘luxury’ formats based upon the consumer income segment they target. Figure : Players operating at different levels Figure: Organized Retail Although, the sector boasts of covering almost all the verticals, a look at the markets under different verticals shows that Organized Retail Penetration is extremely low – 2. 4 percent – for the food and grocery, which in contrast makes up for the biggest part of the total retail market. The apparels, foot wear and home decor are the major contributors under organized retail and have been prospering at a rapid pace. The figures below depict the market share and Organized Retail Penetration in different verticals. Figure: Market Share of Different Verticals in Organized Retail Source: CRISIL Figure: Organized retail penetration (%) in different verticals Source: CRISIL Retail almost accounts for around 15% of India’s GDP and thus plays an important role in determining the Indian economic indicators. Organized retail became the apple of everyone’s eye when Vishal Mega Mart profited from its operations in different parts of India. Soon, other players started with their own retail chains such as V-Mart, Big Bazaar, Subhiksha, Pantaloons et al and the market turned into a very competitive market, probably lowering the economic profits of the retailers, and consequently the situation now is that Vishal, Subhiksha and others stand nowhere compared to the biggies such as Reliance, Big Bazaar and others. The major reasons for this are the marketing mix of these brands and benefits from economies of scale. However, because a number of factors go into determining business profitability, it would not be correct to give all credit to the above mentioned factors. Let’s now look at the major player in organized retail in India. MAJOR PLAYERS The organized retail sector of India has many domestic corporate houses competing with their ventures such as Tata’s Chroma, Reliance Trends, Reliance Fresh, Futures Pantaloons, RPG so on. Other than these, fascinated by the Indian demographics and potential market, international players have entered through joint ventures with national players and are planning to compete for the share through such strategies. Major players along with their brands are shown below. * Landmark (books and music) * Croma(multi-brand electronics) * World of Titan (watches) * Tanishq (jewellery) * Titan Eye+ (eye wear) * Westside (lifestyle retail store) * Star Bazaar (hypermarket chain) * Fashion Yatra(family fashion store) * Central (shopping mall) * Big Bazaar (hypermarket) * Pantaloons (fashion outlet) * Blue Sky (sunglasses) * Brand Factory (multi-brand readymade garments) * KB’s Fair Price (essential products) * Navaras(jewellery) Planet Store (multi-brand sports and lifestyle speciality retail) * aLL(fashion garments) * Ethnicity (Indian ethnic wear) * Home Town (home needs), * eZone(electronics), * Furniture Bazaar (home furniture), * Electronics Bazaar(under Big Bazaar, electronics stores) * Home Bazaar (satellite version of Home Town) * Collection I (lifestyle furniture) * Gen M ; One Mobile (mobile phones) * M-Port (electronics) * Shoe Factory (footwear) * Depot (books and music) * Reliance Fre sh (neighbourhood store) * Reliance Mart (supermarket) * Reliance Super (mini-mart) Reliance Digital (consumer durables and information technology) * Reliance Trends (apparel and accessories) * Reliance Wellness (health, wellness and beauty) * iStore(Apple products) * Reliance Footprint (footwear) * Reliance Jewels (jewellery) * Reliance TimeOut(books, music and entertainment) * Reliance AutoZone (automotive products and services) * Reliance Living (home ware, furniture, modular kitchens and furnishings) * Music World (music and home video store) * Books ; Beyond (book store) * Spencers (multi-format retail store) K RAHEJA Shoppers Stop (clothing, accessories, fragrances, cosmetics, footwear and home furnishing store) * Crossword (book store) * Inorbit Mall (fashion, lifestyle, food and entertainment) and Hyper City (hypermarket) As we can see that all major groups in India have opened up their retail stores catering to different sections of the society providing for different needs of the customers. This has resulted in a sort of monopolistic competition in organized retail market in metro and Tier 1cities owing to the large number of variants being offered to the customers. However, in Tier 2 and 3 cities there are fewer of such modern retail stores and the market situation can be compared to oligopoly, but however because of local players and unorganized retail the effects of oligopoly generally don’t show up. The presence of competitors thus affects not only the player, but the industry and the nation as whole. Let’s discuss in brief the effects of competition. COMPETITION AND RIVALRY Competition is one of the means to achieve economic efficiency. It restrains prices and encourages companies to innovate ; provide better quality of products. In the retail sector competition is driven by many factors, including variety, products, price, quality, service, location, reputation, credit and availability of retail space etc. It can broadly be classified under: 1. Competition because of Internal Factors The large number of groups in multibrand retail such as TATA, Raheja et al and also single brand established foreign players such as Adidas, Nike etc pose a threat to speedy expansion of Indian Retail. . Competition because of External Factors The organized retail industry in India is facing immense competition from the unorganized sector. Traditionally, retailing has been established in India for centuries. It is a low cost structure, mostly owner operated, has negligible real estate and labor costs and little or no taxes to pay. The unorganized retail sector constitutes over 93% of India’s total retail sector and thus, poses a serious hurdle for organized retailers. Because of the largely unorganized nature of Indian retail, inefficiencies have crept in and large number of intermediaries exists, reducing the functional and productive efficiency of the retail industry. The government in power has thus been keen to promote FDI in retail in India. Hundred percent FDI in single brand retail invited global companies for competition in the Indian retail sector. With this the companies are working with a strategy so as to be able to cater to the needs of the consumers and grow volumes by ensuring footfalls, while being able to reduce costs, withstand downturns, and face competition. Here we also see a common practise to prevent other companies from affecting the economic status quo of a country, by imposing barriers and caps on FDI, for example what has been done in multibrand retail. As of now, FDI in multibrand retail cannot exceed the specified cap which has kept global retailers such as Walmart, Carrefour et al from entering the Indian market, although they still do exist in whole sale cash and carry segment. The market structure of the modern retail is that of monopolistic competition in metros ; tier I cities which usually have hundreds of shopping alternatives including multi-brand retail outlets, single brand outlets in the shopping malls and nation-wide chains. Whereas in the tier II ; tier III cities the market structure is oligopoly in nature as they have fewer stores and somewhere only a single super centre or shopping mall. Also if we look at prices of different products in various retail outlets, we find that there is not much difference between the prices, except during periods or seasons of sale. This shows that because of the very competitive nature of modern retail, which now also includes online retail, the players are almost operating at zero economic profit, and thus don’t have much scope to offer different prices for similar products. Moreover almost all use similar technologies and processing techniques to provide the final product and thus the prices cannot be increased significantly, for fear of loss of market share. For example, Pantaloons and Westside have almost the similar brands in offering for the customer, leaving little scope for differentiation or price discrimination. Price discrimination can however happen when we compare lifestyle or luxury and value format stores, value stores charging lesser price for the same product sold at a higher price in lifestyle stores. To gain advantage in such a competitive environment major retailers have started to distinguish themselves by providing products under ‘private labels’. In India, fresh produce purchases are made more often from cart vendors who buy their stock from wholesalers. Retailers have tried to bridge the gap with direct farm procurement eliminating middlemen and introducing ‘ private labels’. They are coming up with new ideas to grab a major share of the market which is prospering (see figure below) because of the following factors: The average income of the middle class population has been increasing at a rate of around 12%, which will result in increased expenditure Increasing proportion of working women in the country Increasing population of employed youth Increasing desire for better standards of living and trends in consumer expenditure Increase in the use of plastic money Emerging markets in Tier II and Tier III cities Figure: Sales (in million Rs. ) plotted against the financial year Source: Company official website These factors may cause a shift in the demand curve, but more number of retailers will be willing to enter and eventually the price would not be impacted much. There would, infact a gradual shift from unorganized to the organized retail. All these and a huge untapped market potential that’s locked in the unorganized retail has motivated modern retailers to invest heavily in marketing and advertising, to grab customer attention and retain them. ADVERTISING Promoting the modern retail brand is very important – especially in metro and Tier I cities. The retailer must strive hard to communicate the USP of the brand and help the end-users know to which brand a particular product belongs influencing the buying behavior of the customer. Not only in India, retail industry all over the world spends large amount of funds on advertising. The figure below shows comparison of expenditure by the retail sector with others on online advertising in the United States Figure 5: US Online Ad Spending The growth of online video ads among the brand marketers and Social networking are primary contributors to the growing market share of the retail sector. Advertising in modern retail is broadly done under the following three categories: Traditional Advertising Traditional advertising means advertising using traditional media such as TV, newspaper, radio, circulars, hoardings etc. For eg. we frequently see advertisements from major retail players such as Big Bazaar, Chroma etc in newspapers. Digital Advertising This form uses advertising using digital media. Video advertising, Mobile advertising etc are some of its examples. Alternative Offers Under this we may have guerilla marketing where the marketer may use graffiti, fliers, deal of the day type offers, groupon etc to promote or advertise the product. Website Communication or on-site communication evaluates how well retailers currently collect the kind of information that helps them localize their own communications with consumers. For this category, we evaluate two criteria: whether the retailer offers localized information about their own stores on their eCommerce site, and whether they solicit customer information – email address and mobile number, prominently on their site. The expansion of the retail sector and the creation of meta-mediaries has provided with increasing job opportunities. JOB CREATION With a CAGR of around 14. 5% in the last five years and the bright prospects of expansion , the the no of jobs in this sector are expected to grow at a fast pace. The existing players will have to face competition from the new players and this would also lead to opening up of new stores and thereby increasing the job opportunities in the country. Shift in consumers preference from traditional stores and shops to departmental stores and hypermarkets is definitely going to put pressure on retailers to provide for adequate staff and services, thereby increasing the number of people employed and thus creating job opportunities. The rural market is home to the 46% of the rich and prosperous people of the country. Besides, these people stay in 17% of the villages of the country. The infrastructure costs in setting up retail outlets in these places are going to be lower compared to the cities. This will encourage the emergence of regional players and would again lead to creation of jobs in many regions. However, some more prospering regions or cities which have shown good growth rates will have an edge over others, even in the same state. Whatever is the case, the supply has to be met with the demand, especially when there is no dearth of labor in India and job creation is highly likely, an event when it comes to the retail sector expansion and penetration. FDI in multi-brand retail is going to be a deciding factor in creation of jobs as well. Once permitted, this will lead to aggressive competition. The entry of new players would balance the supply chain and farmers will be benefitted. If this happens, more people will be attracted towards farming, also contract farming would lead to creation of rural jobs. Moreover, entry of foreign investors is likely to shift the production possibility frontier outwards(see figure below), because they are more likely to invest in storage, supply chain and other capital goods. Retail sector is expected to expand by leaps and bounds in the near future and this would create a lot of jobs. The advancement of technology though can also reduce the manpower required in the long run and the jobs created over a period of time may get killed. The entry of multi brand retailers may also adversely impact the local kirana walas, because they will be able to recover there fixed cost easily and gain from economies of scale. Further, because all food and grocery require very similar capital investment, they also stand to gain from economies of scope. Figure: Expansion of Production Possibility frontier (not by reducing consumption but with introduction of new technology) RECENT TRENDS Growth of Modern Retail India moved from being 10th largest economy in 1990 to 4th largest in 2010 according to Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). The growing economy has driven the growth in per capita income of Indian consumers. Indian retail sector (organized and unorganized) has grown by 14. 5% from 2006-07 to 2011-12 and is valued at $396 billion out of which 5-6% is the share of organized retail. Organized retail has had growth more than double of total retail. With the overall rise the penetration of organized retail sector has increased and is expected to grow its share to 10% by the year 2016. Changing shopping behavior Shopping behavior has changed over time, with growing urbanization there has been rise in affluence and growing attraction towards branded goods. The parameters over which modern retail has been faring better than traditional retail are product assortment and range, quality, everything under single roof model. FDI in retail FDI in Single Brand: In 2006, FDI in single brand retail was permitted to the extent of 51% which has recently been increased to 100% in Jan, 2012. There is also a mandate of sourcing of goods from local SMEs and local dealers. FDI in multi-brand sector: International retailers are allowed 100% ownership in cash ; carry wholesale trade stores. But similar initiative in multi-brand retail stores, i. e. allowing 51% FDI has been met by widespread rejection and has been put on hold. Online Retailing Online retailing is gaining popularity in India with growing penetration of internet. It is expected that online retail will triple in size by 2014-15. It will be dominated by branded, low ticket size, easily transportable, lifestyle products and books. Flipkart and Yebhi. com have already established themselves as major players in this segment in the Indian market. Challenges posed by recent developments Indian government intended to bring 51% FDI in multi-retail sector but due to its widespread opposition, it has not been approved yet. This has put entry of world’s leading retail chain in Indian market. A lot has been said about possible loss of potential job and infrastructure development due to this. Besides that the suggested provision of sourcing from local SMEs is also proving to be a deterrent. INDIA AND THE INTERNATIONAL MARKET The graph below shows India’s status wiz a wiz status of organized retail in other countries. It can be observed that India still has a long way to go if it wants to increase the share of organized retail in the retail market. Figure: Organized retail as a percentage of total retail in different countries Source: CRISIL In the second half of the 20th century, many countries opened up there markets for Organized Retail and some also opened for multi-brand retail. There were some countries who felt a positive impact of the same, China is one such example; while there were others such as Uk which were adversely affected. India should also proceed with implementing FDI in multi-brand retail in phases, looking for any drawbacks, before it opens up fully. REFERENCES CRISIL Research, http://crisil. com/research/list-of-industries. html# Dun and BradStreet, http://www. dnb. co. in/IndianRetailIndustry/overview. asp Indian retail News, http://www. indiaretailnews. com/ Tata group official website, http://www. tata. com/company/profile. aspx? ectid=oH90Rc8X7Dg= Croma retail, http://www. cromaretail. com/ FDI in Retail, http://cci. gov. in/images/media/ResearchReports/FDI%20in%20Indian%20Retail%20Sector%20Analysis%20of%20Competition%20in%20Agri-Food%20Sector. pdf Futures group Official website, http://futuresgroup. com/ BIBLIOGAPHY Economics by Samuelson and Nordhaus â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â €Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Lifestyle formats include departmental stores and specialty stores [ 2 ]. Value formats include supermarkets and hypermarkets [ 3 ]. Retailers can use price differentiation to gain from the consumer surplus [ 4 ]. Private labels or private brands  are the brands that are owned and sold by  retailers at their stores and are typically priced lower (5-15 percent) as compared to the existing brands. [ 5 ]. These factors will result in a shift of demand curve to the right [ 6 ]. Source: CRISIL [ 7 ]. Organised retail penetration expected to cross 10 per cent by 2016-17 [ 8 ]. In such cities, the number of market players is very large forming a monopolistic market, brand positioning thus becomes very important to create great brand recall value. [ 9 ]. Unique Selling Proposition [ 10 ]. Opened up multi brand retail in phases.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
A qualitative proposal Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
A qualitative - Research Proposal Example Consequently, the organizations face different problems labour turnover cost, decreasing employees morale and productivity. Under this situation, it is highly significant that those causes must be highlighted and evaluated that are directly or indirectly responsible for creating difficulties for assimilation process. Additionally, as the assimilation has always been preferred by organizations because it provides productive contribution to overall organizational performance and productivity besides maintaining and stabilizing the workplace culture and environment, organizations and individuals are always looking for ways to improve their chances of compatibility and adjustment with the workplace culture through the process of assimilation. And this can only be done through evaluating hindrances and supporting factors that facilitate the process of assimilation. Jablin’s organizational assimilation theory is composed of four stages: vocational anticipatory socialization, anticipatory socialization, encounter and metamorphosis (Dainton and Zelley, 2011). In the first stage, newcomers develop certain beliefs and expectations relating to nature and type of work; in the second stage, the newcomers start to learn organizational matters and endeavour to obtain knowledge, skills required to meet job description; in the third stage, which is more related to the organizational culture, the newcomers try to ascertain type of organizational cultures and how communications and understanding among and between employees take place; in the fourth stage, the newcomers experience transition from outsider to insider (Dainton and Zelley, 2011). In other words, each stage has its own boundaries and requirements and they are sequenced as well. For example, in order to undergo this process, every newcomer is required to experience this process from first stage to the fourth stage. This study is
Saturday, February 1, 2020
International environmental management and sustainability Assignment
International environmental management and sustainability - Assignment Example In order to secure the future of the planet, there is a need to cut down the carbon footprints. The steps should be taken individually and on the mass level to make a difference. There are many ways to cut down the carbon footprints; like consuming as less energy as possible, utilizing renewable methods to generate energy, limiting the cutting of forests and planting more trees, using alternate fuel in the vehicles that produce no or less green house gases or utilizing the electric vehicles or covering short distances by foot or through cycling. In this way, the environmental protection can be guaranteed and the future of the planet earth can be secured (, nd, np). Diagnostic Base-line I noticed that a larger amount of carbon emissions are produced by the vehicles and as the travelling all around the world is increasing, the amounts of carbon emissions are also increasing. In this way, I aimed to reduce my individual carbon footprints by utilizing cycle or cover t he short distances by foot. ... In order to reduce my travel carbon footprints, I made decision to never use car for such short distances, instead I use bicycle for such short distance or cover the distance by foot. However, utilizing bicycle is a better option as it covers distance fast. For this reason, I bought a bicycle. The price of the bicycle can be covered by the saving the cost of the fuel. Every year vehicles are the major contributor in making the carbon footprints amount larger. According to a survey in 2004, it is estimated that about a distance of averagely 2.6 trillion miles was covered by cars and light trucks. The distance is as long as about 10 million complete trips to the moon from the earth. The estimated amount of miles per gallon an average vehicle gives was about 19.6 mpg, which is improved to a much lower value. An average type of gasoline has a content of about 5.3 pounds of carbon in a gallon. In this way, utilizing a gallon of gasoline in our cars produces about 5.3 pounds of carbon. If the miles per gallon are estimated to 20 mpg for an average car, then for 20 miles a vehicles produces about 5.3 pounds of carbon footprints and thus for a distance of about 2.6 trillion miles, the carbon produces is about 0.689 trillion pounds. The individual production of carbon from travel is about 1.5 tonnes per year. In this way, if a major reduction is made in the travel carbon footprints, the atmospheric carbon footprint can be reduced to a certain lower level. (, 2008, np) Aims The major air is to reduce my total carbon footprints, which are about 5.89 tonnes per year. However, the major contribution is made by my travel carbon footprints, which are about 3.08
Friday, January 24, 2020
Truman Capotes In Cold Blood: Comparison of Book and Movie Essay
     "In Cold Blood" is a tragic story of two men, Eugene Hickock and Perry Edward, who murder an entire family in search of money and then find themselves running from the law. While writing the book, Truman Capote used only facts to create a novel out of an actual event. He had thousands of notes on the subject, but his problem was making his book read like a novel. He accomplished this by adding dialogue and describing characters feelings. This technique is used in the film as well when flashbacks of characters childhoods are shown.      The different plots are handled very well in the movie. The main plot obviously is the murders and the run from the law. Other subplots that are shown are Smith's internal fight with his past in which his father deserted him, and at one point, had a gun pointed to his head. Also there appears to be tension between Smith and Hickock. They think differently at times, especially when it comes to the discussion of the crime. You can't help but feel sympathetic towards Smith, as it appears that he is forced into this by Hickock. All characters in the movie were played well by the actors in my opinion. They all seemed real and seemed to fit in with the setting and the time period.      I think that Hickock and Smith are not victims of forces beyond their control, they are victims of, at least in Smith's case, a bad upbringing. The two murderers have no direction in their lives. The only skills that Hickock seems to know is... Truman Capote's In Cold Blood: Comparison of Book and Movie Essay      "In Cold Blood" is a tragic story of two men, Eugene Hickock and Perry Edward, who murder an entire family in search of money and then find themselves running from the law. While writing the book, Truman Capote used only facts to create a novel out of an actual event. He had thousands of notes on the subject, but his problem was making his book read like a novel. He accomplished this by adding dialogue and describing characters feelings. This technique is used in the film as well when flashbacks of characters childhoods are shown.      The different plots are handled very well in the movie. The main plot obviously is the murders and the run from the law. Other subplots that are shown are Smith's internal fight with his past in which his father deserted him, and at one point, had a gun pointed to his head. Also there appears to be tension between Smith and Hickock. They think differently at times, especially when it comes to the discussion of the crime. You can't help but feel sympathetic towards Smith, as it appears that he is forced into this by Hickock. All characters in the movie were played well by the actors in my opinion. They all seemed real and seemed to fit in with the setting and the time period.      I think that Hickock and Smith are not victims of forces beyond their control, they are victims of, at least in Smith's case, a bad upbringing. The two murderers have no direction in their lives. The only skills that Hickock seems to know is...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Common Size Financial Statement Analysis Essay
When all the items of a financial statement are expressed on a common basis, it is known as a common-size financial statement. Common-sizing of balance sheet is done generally by expressing its all items as a percentage of its total assets or total equities. Similarly, income statement is common-sized when its all items are expressed as percentage of total sales. PROCEDURE OF COMMON SIZING In preparing common-size income statement, the following procedure is to be followed : †¢Total sales revenue or total revenue is taken as hundred. †¢Each item of cost or expenses is represented as a percentage of total revenue. †¢Profit or loss also shown as a percentage of revenue. Similarly, balance sheet is common-sized as follows : †¢Total of assets side or total of liability side is taken as hundred. †¢Each item of asset is expressed as percentage of total asset total of capital and liabilities. †¢Each item of the liability side is also expressed as a percentage of total assets or total of capital and liabilities. USEFULNESS OF COMMON-SIZE FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS †¢Inter-firm comparison becomes more meaningful when financial statement of the firms under comparison is common-sized. †¢Common-size financial statement analysis is most suitable to evaluate the performance of a company over a period of time. †¢It is useful in understanding the relative importance of different sources of financing. †¢It helps the analyst to formulate hypothesis about the most efficient business model by means of effective inter-firm comparisons. †¢Common-size financial analysis can be used to compare a company’s financial data with industry norms or average. COMMON-SIZE FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS When all the items of a financial statement are expressed on a common basis, it is known as a common-size financial statement. Common-sizing of balance sheet is done generally by expressing its all items as a percentage of its total assets or total equities. Similarly, income statement is common-sized when its all items are expressed as percentage of total sales. PROCEDURE OF COMMON SIZING In preparing common-size income statement, the following procedure is to be followed : †¢Total sales revenue or total revenue is taken as hundred. †¢Each item of cost or expenses is represented as a percentage of total revenue. †¢Profit or loss also shown as a percentage of revenue. Similarly, balance sheet is common-sized as follows : †¢Total of assets side or total of liability side is taken as hundred. †¢Each item of asset is expressed as percentage of total asset total of capital and liabilities. †¢Each item of the liability side is also expressed as a percentage of total assets or total of capital and liabilities. USEFULNESS OF COMMON-SIZE FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS †¢Inter-firm comparison becomes more meaningful when financial statement of the firms under comparison is common-sized. †¢Common-size financial statement analysis is most suitable to evaluate the performance of a company over a period of time. †¢It is useful in understanding the relative importance of different sources of financing. †¢It helps the analyst to formulate hypothesis about the most efficient business model by means of effective inter-firm comparisons. †¢Common-size financial analysis can be used to compare a company’s financial data with industry norms or average.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
A Black On Black Crimes Of The Tutsi And Tutsi Society
You know the severity of a problem with the black on black crimes of the Hutu and Tutsi society, when the opposite race has the authority to condemn the destruction of a civilization of similar African Americans. Take for instance in the movie Hotel Rwanda, the white character Pat Archer who is a health care worker. She is portrayed as a caring white woman who believes in equality and not division among people. In the film there is a scene where Paul asks her to go check on some refugee. She goes and returns and is completely shocked by what she has witness. The Hutu hunter decides to make her watch them kill the Tutsi people. In one scene especially a little girl is about to be murdered. Before she is killed, the little girl said â€Å"please do not let them kill me. I†¦ I promise I won’t be Tutsi anymore.†This is a little innocent girl we are talking about who’s last breathing words are of her begging for Pat to save her life. What really upsets me is th at the little girl dies feeling as if she was the problem. How could she be the problem when she does not even know how to do anything? What upsets me the most is that the Hutu hunter installed in Tutsi people’s brains that they were a virus that was destroying the immune system, what’s even worse is that the Tutsi people believed it? In my opinion, I believe this is no different from the tragic incident of the Holocaust where Hitler killed over millions of Jews. The only difference from the Holocaust is that the Hutu huntersShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Hotel Rwanda directed by George Terry1178 Words  | 5 Pagesand the concern of the world about the incident. The history and relationship between Hutu and Tutsi As we look back to the 14th century of Rwanda, the indigenous people of that region composed of Hutu and another ethnic group which is Twa. The Tutsi was actually the immigrants which came to Rwanda from the southern Ethiopian highlands. 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Originally, Tutsi and Hutu was distinguished by who owned the most cattle and was very easy for people to swap categories through gaining cattle or by marriage. For a while, the Tutsi people were in charge as they owned the most. This was until Europeans colonised the country in 1894 where ‘Tutsi’ and ‘Hutu’ took on a racial r ole. â€Å"Hutu and Tutsi were categorised by German and Belgian colonisers according toRead More Rwanda: Genocide and Refugee Crisis Essay example3469 Words  | 14 Pagescould do nothing about until it was too late. Almost 50 years after the world pledged to never let anything like the holocaust occur again, the world had to watch as a genocide unfolded in Rwanda. Between April of 1994 and July of 1994 some 800,000 Tutsi and moderate Hutus were systematically killed as Rwanda fell into political despair and turmoil, leaving millions more as refugees struggling to put their lives back together in the aftermath of such horrific violence. 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Usually the deathRead MoreThe Genocide Of The Holocaust1823 Words  | 8 Pages Genocide Genocide a word that brings forth the morbid image of barbed wire fences, trenches overflowing with bodies, malnourished men, women, and children, a depressing black sky. Genocides definition is â€Å"the deliberate killing of people who belong to a particular racial, political, or cultural group†( True to its name genocide is a word that has the ability to cause war and leaves a hellish vision in its victims. Despite all of this the seemingly
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